Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Tbt #10: Paula Afenshpler

Paula Afenshpler: You have to admit, that's a pretty awesome surname. I don't have much to say about this character- she is not who I intended to run with today. However the character I DID want to discuss has been a one-two punch right in the feels, both in drawing it last week and in trying to describe it right now. So it's going to have to wait.

In other news I reorganized my binder and came across a couple bits of info that I found interesting. The first is that I now remember the origins of Ilse (Tbt #8). Her sister is the character I first made and I was head over heels about her. I named her Helki and she was part a series where I drew one person to represent each continent (yikes). Sadly, she was lost but organizing my binder reminded me of her existence in the first place so I call that a win.

The second thing I realized happened as I refiled the original drawing of Bette Jamison (Tbt #9). Each original drawing has the character's name and descriptive title on it (which I chop off when putting together these redraws). Bette's writing was almost completely faded which is why I missed it in the first place, but apparently she was Terpsichore, the muse of dance. She is actually one of the nine Greek muses! I might re-redraw her in the future to expand on that idea.

Art tips: I spent like twenty minutes on the rose pattern for Paula's skirt but I had to shrink it so much you can't even make it out. Bleh.

Kira's art trading card can be purchased in my shop