Welcome back to Tasteful Nerdity! This is part three of shows that I've watched and maybe you should too.
Is Roseanne the real person kind of batshit crazy? Yes. Does that mean you shouldn't watch this show? No. This is quintessential 90s millennial-generation viewing. It's a show that, for me, has been something that my perspective on has changed over time..
When I was a kid I identified with Darlene and her experiences feeling like an outsider. As an adult I identify with Jackie a bit more- kind of being a little kooky and falling into things and learning to just roll with it. Also, Dan. DAN. Some people say that a woman want to find a man who's just like her father. I always just wanted to marry a man like Dan Connor. AND I DID. #lifegoals
When I was a kid I identified with Darlene and her experiences feeling like an outsider. As an adult I identify with Jackie a bit more- kind of being a little kooky and falling into things and learning to just roll with it. Also, Dan. DAN. Some people say that a woman want to find a man who's just like her father. I always just wanted to marry a man like Dan Connor. AND I DID. #lifegoals
Episodes to watch: The Halloween episodes were always my favorite as a kid. And adult. Just pure sitcom joy.
Episodes to avoid: Do not watch the last season. I am a completionist so please know, I don't give that advice lightly. It is so bad you guys. So bad. "Ruins everything that came before it" bad.
I'm sensitive, should I watch this show?: What I always liked about this show was that it always felt so authentic. It was very similar to my own family at that time for one thing- we even had afghans on our couches and a plastic Godzilla of our own. So for me, while the show does touch on some serious issues, I would say it never feels maudlin or forced because it is so based in reality. So it's safe for the sensitive (except maybe that last season- you've been warned!).
Look. I know. I KNOW OK. This show is a glorified soap opera. But who am I,
if not a woman living in America in 2015? Am I not mortal? Does not
the siren song of Shonda touch all of our lives at some point or
another? To my credit I at least couldn't make it fifteen minutes
into the first episode of Gray's Anatomy.
Episodes to watch: Watch 'em all, they are great soapy
fun and I respect how the writers haven't leaned as heavily on a
"case of the week" format as I thought they were going to.
My favorite recent episode was in season four and featured HEAVY sexiness. Did I make
inappropriate noises during that sex scene when I watched
that episode? You may never know*.
Episodes to avoid: Nah don't do that. COMMIT, PEOPLE.
I'm sensitive, should I watch this show?: I think it's OK. It's a pretty silly
show, I don't think it's made me cry yet. Well maybe there was one
plot point that did it but that's about it. However, looking at the
actor Guillermo Diaz makes me sad because he has puppy dog eyes, but I think that's a
personal problem that I have so don't worry about it (I call it “John Locke syndrome", when an actor has such an expressive face
and their character such a heart wrenching back story that just
looking at them makes my heart hurt.)
Uhnnnnrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnnnnnnnn Idris Elba eerrrggghhhh. He's a police officer. He has a complicated code of morality. He has issues. He is aware of the effect he has on women ( like this woman, me). This is a gritty British crime show that has great plotting, interesting characters, and really super creepy fucking story lines.
Episodes to watch: This is a British show so the seasons are very short. It's very easy to watch them all so do it!
Episodes to avoid: The consistency of quality is there: watch 'em all I say.
I'm sensitive, should I watch this show?: Maybe, but probably not. This show is VERY violent. It is VERY graphic. Not "Hannibal" graphic, but still pretty damn graphic. Upsetting things happen. The tone is very dark and serious and the plot points get very grim. Even just the themes are very challenging. Make sure you are in a good place emotionally before you tackle this one.
Friday Night Lights
When I say that this show about football is about more than football I am not saying anything revelatory. Check out almost any review or critique about this show and you will see the same. Which is good, because I physically could not give less of a shit about football.
I don't know the rules or how it is played, I don't care about teams, or playoffs, or bowls that have been deemed super. I just don't care. Yet this show is amazing.
I think what resonates here, for me, is that it's a show about teenagers and the South and marriage and football that manages to make all of those things seem both humble and special at the same time. While it isn't perfect it is a show firmly grounded (for the most part) in reality. It feels authentic.. (Also, Coach and Mrs. Coach are one of my favorite TV married couples ever.)
I don't know the rules or how it is played, I don't care about teams, or playoffs, or bowls that have been deemed super. I just don't care. Yet this show is amazing.
I think what resonates here, for me, is that it's a show about teenagers and the South and marriage and football that manages to make all of those things seem both humble and special at the same time. While it isn't perfect it is a show firmly grounded (for the most part) in reality. It feels authentic.. (Also, Coach and Mrs. Coach are one of my favorite TV married couples ever.)
Episodes to watch: Watch them all!
Episodes to avoid: Ok. Look. A storyline is going to happen in a certain season. And you are going to think "what the fuck am I watching here?". You are not alone. It is dumb and bad and infamous in its dumbness and badness. But the upside is, the stories going on around that one storyline are great and it's easily the biggest misstep the show ever had. So don't let one bad seed spoil the whole bunch.
I'm sensitive, should I watch this show?: It's going to make you cry. Maybe a lot. It also made me do that little gaspy-noise thing I do sometimes when I'm feeling a little overcome by emotion and surprise, but in a positive way. It will make you think. It's kind of quiet and moody but there are moments of levity and joy as well.
The Guild
Look at that cast picture. It's perfection. This show is glorious. It's a show about a diverse group of gamers who form a guild within their WOW style game and then decide to try and be friends in the real world as well. Created by, written by, and starring the adorable and hilarious Felicia Day, this web series is chocked full of goofy fun with just enough sarcastic bite to keep you wanting more.
Episodes to watch: This show was, again, a webseries so each episode is only about five minutes long, give or take. It's easy to mainline the entire seventy episode series in one (long) sitting.
Episodes to avoid: None.
I'm sensitive, should I watch this show?: Watch it! It's a very funny comedy and the tone is light and fun.
* I did.