Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Tbt #25: Hebe

Hebe is another goddess from Greek mythology, specifically the goddess of youth. Her story sucks. As the goddess of youth she was expected to do a bunch of menial tasks, like drawing baths and helping other gods into their chariots. She is also the person who served the drinks, which is why she is depicted with a cup usually.

She is also usually shown with her father, Zeus, in the form of an eagle but I was all “fuck Zeus” for this drawing. Zeus is a legendary creeper and he just can stay the fuck away from her and her cup. (Every Greek god has Daddy issues because of Zeus.)

I like how on Wikipedia there is a pictorial progression showing portraits from the time period when painting her became popular. She just gets nakeder and nakeder as the years pass. I decided to depict her only SEMI naked, thank you very much.

Basically, Hebe could grant eternal youth, she was a hottie, and she always brought the nectar. What a goddess!

Art tips: Ok. Yes. I learned some important things with this drawing. I played around more with the blurring feature and I have realized that it makes things like shadows/highlights SO much easier to add then the way I was doing it before (basically making shapes and adding gradients to them). Even adding color to faces is easy now. I even tried a hair shine this time!

Previous goddesses: Demeter