Tuesday, March 15, 2016


By Haley

As I have been thinking a lot lately about what exactly the term "healthy lifestyle" means, I want to share something with you now that is very special to me. It's my favorite obnoxious dieting web ad that I've ever seen. So much so that this image has literally been on my computer for years.

What a great solution! Just fucking obey. Slightly fat? Really fat? Remove-a-wall-from-the-house-so-you-can-go-outside fat? Chubby, chunky, curvy, plump, obese, pregnant (I SEE YOU AD), old, young, cute, ugly, sad, sick, happy, content, WHATEVER: just fucking obey and everything will be OK.

Obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey.

Maybe a healthy lifestyle just means disengaging from the conversations that people have about what constitutes a healthy lifestyle. Maybe it just means ignoring all the charlatans and false prophets who want to make a buck off of your misery (or change you happiness into misery and then profit off of that). Maybe it just means that people should just do what makes them feel sane instead of sexy. Do work on the bodies we HAVE not the bodies we WANT. Feed the feelings that we want to feel. Obey ourselves.

Anyway, I don't even know what the ad was selling because I didn't click. I will never click. Besides, it's always some version of speed + a berry that white people have never heard of anyway.