Sunday, January 26, 2025


Hi there. It's me again, eight years later. First, I gotta say: this shit holds up. Looking back through my archives there's some good stuff here. My comics were fire and I stand by that fact to this mufu'in' day. The drawings are also . . . fine. Charming even.

But things have changed.

I am no longer a (non) working visual artist. I am now a (somewhat) working writer and undergrad student at Colorado State University at Pueblo, the city in which I live. This is the change in my life that started fall of 2023. I'm now in my fourth semester, still actively avoiding my two remaining gen-ed credits needed- math and a science. My non-counted science credits are from 20 years ago and were entomology related but, c'mon. Have bugs really changed that much since then? I think that shi should still be counted.

So, in many ways, a lot has changed in my life since I started this blog a full decade ago. But sadly, many other things have not. 

One really key thing, to be specific.

I started this blog with its preciously sincere name during a time period in American history ten years ago when I was gravely concerned with how the tides were turning. Look, I'm talking about Tr*mp here. The lack of kindness, empathy, and intelligence that that disastrous run brought with it shook me to my core and made me question my own values and place in this world. Working on this blog helped me deal with those feelings.

Well guess what, motherfuckas! It's End of the World Part II: Electric Boogaloo, so let's take this old gal out for another spin!

It would be a misnomer to say that, this time around, I am just as crushed. No. This time feels different. I'm angry. I'm fed up with more than just politics, but our culture in general. I'm sick of the disposable way we treat people, objects, and ideas. 

I'm tired of artificially polished art, polished words, and polished people. I'm tired of artifice in general. I'm tired of disingenuousness. And most of all, I'm tired of living in a world where apathy has become the norm. Apathy to the thoughts and feelings of others, to empathy, to kindness. No one seems to have the energy to give a flying fuck about other people anymore, or art, or nature, or any of the stuff that makes life worth living. I don't blame my peers who are struggling with this. Not to get too "but ackshually," but actually, I think social media in its current form might be kinda bad, guys. I don't know, that's just my own personal opinion. I could be wrong. 

So let me now commit with, absolutely no consequences if I fail, to reviving this blog. I need it both for my own professional growth and to feed that need to scream out into the void in a time of (once again!) great darkness. Do little voices matter? I don't know anymore. But all the big voices are doing a truly shit job of managing things, so why not? Why not try?

-Haley N.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Saturday, December 16, 2017

It all sucks, regardless of name!

Source: Wash. Post

Interesting chart. Snow is predicted here in Pueblo, CO for this Thursday. I'm pretty sure I've never witnessed graupel before.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

I feel like a year ago I woke up in some sort of surreal dystopian version of the world I had already grown accustomed to for thirty two years. How has this happened? Why has this been allowed?

How do we stop this?

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Hey ho- I have a new blog!

My husband and I have created a beer tasting blog. He tastes and rates the beer, and I check out and rate the designs of the labels. It's called Porters and Palettes. Check it out here!

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Fat Girl Problems

I bought some new clothes the other day. This is normal. Less normal: I wait until the dog has eaten all my pants or I have paint on everything I own to buy new things. I have a skirt that is at least 13 years old at this point. Etc. This is because clothes buying as a fat person is not fun. And I don't mean fat as in Dove commercial fat or Instagram fat. I mean fat as in- "Geez, why doesn't this bitch just invest in some muumuus and wall herself up in her bedroom already". Whatever y'all- Darlene Cates lived to be 69 so suck it. Side note: do not let little fat girls watch What's Eating Gilbert Grape? That movie scarred me for life. FOR. LIFE.

Anyway, it's super fun to look for clothing when your measurements aren't even acknowledged to exist by most clothing designers/manufacturers. I managed to find some stuff, even a couple mildly cute things. But I also had to deal with a whole lotta bullshit.

Now selling a size 3X shirt to a size 3X person by displaying it on a size 2 model is deeply stupid enough (looking at you Modcloth).  But check out these sweet treats I saved, just for you, my non-existent readers.

This first one is a double whammy of suck. First off, I want you to notice this shitty garbage site. I go to it because it has great deals! And also, I have no other choice! Cool! It used to be called "Woman Within". That is exceedingly awful and gross. "We here see you as more than a gross fat monster- we see the woman within you. Though the outside is, still, a gross fat monster. Now give us your money!" Awful. Again, I have no choice.

Recently (within the last year or so) they changed the name to "Fullbeauty" which is . . . fine. Whatever. At least it's not blatently offensive. Yet this screenshot is from only a few days ago. Notice the top sales banner. Hey Fullbeauty: your web person is slackin'. Get on that shit. Don't remind me how even eviler you used to be while I'm trying to give you money.

This same screenshot shows another fun thing. When searching for underpants (panties is a gross and awful word) this is what I got while doing a search for my size. Four options. all shaping solution bullshit. I already have a shape, thanks. It's called ROUND and I LIKE IT THAT WAY. The frustrating part is that this is a lie- they sell underpants in all sizes, my size included, in various styles. But when you do a search this is all that comes up. I had to scroll through all the styles to find others. HMM. INTERESTING.

Le terrible.

I noticed while browsing that Mellissa McCarthy's collection is now up. When I heard this announced I remember thinking "Girl, why? You always look bad." I hate her constant long sleeved floor length gown bullshit. Anyway, look at these clothes in the pic. The cardinal fat girl clothes sins are all here in this one pic. Ugly prints, animal style prints, French shit. Man, of all the stuff about fat girl clothes I don't get, the constant French language and imagery stuff is the most baffling to me. Anyway, it's mostly ugly, only goes up to 3x, and is VERY expensive. Guys, I just dream of a day when I don't have to pay thirty bucks for a goddamn tank top. 

Finally I will leave you with my personal favorites. I thought it was just this one individual underwear listing but it turns out there are a LOT. Enjoy these pics of tiny models selling plus size clothing that is apparently made entirely out of photoshop. Or, honestly, MS Paint. 

 "Because fuck you, that's why."