Thursday, July 23, 2015

And Now a Word From Our Sponsor . . .

I like to think that, even if it takes me a long time, I always eventually get around to doing things that need to be done. Spiffing up this blog page has been one of the things on my to-do list for a long time

Hopefully it looks a bit more engaging now. I streamlined a bunch of stuff, removed and overrided some ugly code, and added some color, which I am of course all about.

Upcoming Stoof

Friday- A new portrait. WHATWHATWHATWHAT

Saturday- I've decided Saturday is the day I will be posting Tasteful Nerdity stuff from now on. This Saturday: part one of a two part TV review. (See below picture for a hint as to the show.)

Sunday- I've got four new comics in the works, all of which at the very least make me laugh out loud*.

Ebay- If you follow my Ebay destash you might notice it's empty right now. I'm adding a bunch of stuff this Sunday/Monday though. I'm struggling with how best to charge shipping a.t.m. because Ebay takes a cut of your shipping so if I sell too low at auction I can actually lose money. Thanks Ebay! You're the worst!

Etsy- I posted a lot of stuff regarding my origami ornaments a couple weeks ago. Well, I'm back to square one because I got new glitter and am facing having to figure out if I need to make a whole new set to photograph and also I'm back to dealing with how best to tell people all the options available. This is a work in progress (see the first two sentences of this post).

Future- Dollhouse stuff is coming. A new feature on artistic disasters is coming. And I have a whole folder full of amusing internet screengrabs that I would like to start sharing regularly. All those will be coming when I have time, hopefully next week.

Thanks for reading! Stay salty!

Stuck in my head so bad right now.

* I literally came up with a fifth idea while writing this. It has definitely been comics week in the studio here.