It's 5:48 in the morning. I hear a “boop boop” sound coming from outside the side window in my art room. I relax- it's just my neighbor unlocking her car. She has two school age kids and is probably just getting them ready for school. Then I remember the gauzy curtains that are on the window and the fact that I keep the blinds only partially closed at all times and the other more important fact that I am buck ass naked right now. Whoops whoops!
Truthfully, I don't care. Someone would still have to be trying pretty hard to see me from this angle and it is still dark outside. But I still think about it because I know that nudity offends some people. And that my particular brand of nudity offends even more people than that.
Truthfully, I don't care. Someone would still have to be trying pretty hard to see me from this angle and it is still dark outside. But I still think about it because I know that nudity offends some people. And that my particular brand of nudity offends even more people than that.
Wanna know what I look like in a bikini? Bane here is a pretty good representation. I'm big. I have to admit that in this point in my life I am enjoying being a big person. I'm 5'10” with a physique that that could be used to crush someone. And I'm ok with that.
Women are constantly being sold this idea that we are the weaker sex- that we aren't as physically large as men or as strong (and that even when we are, we shouldn't be). By merely existing I challenge these ideas. But I have to wonder about what would happen if we as a society decided to divide the male population of the world in half and then spent a million years telling one half they should be weaker and smaller than the other half. I suspect we would have, like men and women now, two kinds of men then. We could create that division by merely insisting that it was real- turn it into a self-fulfilling prophesy. A snake eating its own tail.
Regardless, because of my gender and how my weight is distributed (into fat and not acceptable body-builder-like muscles) my body is seen as gross or wrong or an indicator of low moral character or, on the other end of the spectrum, as an object to be fetishized or commodified through diet culture and self empowerment b.s.
But shit man, I don't know. I just want to sit naked in my office and think and write and draw and be creative. I just want to live my life and be left alone. But I guess as long as my body is seen by others as a battleground, as long as every woman's body is viewed in that way, then I should probably get up and lower my blinds.
Art tips: I like the way I drew that bellybutton. The pose I used here was lifted from another artist- kind of classical looking I think. Not sure about that lower arm though.