Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Tbt #17: Esperanza

Va-va-voom! You'd never know from the original but this character was actually a Grandmother within the universe the characters lived in. A very . . . sexy . . . grandma. Not that I think there is anything wrong with that. It's just that I now realize that to be sexy one doesn't have to look twenty, especially if they are really seventy.

For this redraw I decided to look at some wedding dresses from the sixties, maybe to flash back to Esperanza's youth. The dress, in buttery yellows, is feminine and soft looking and the veil and flower crown is romantic and coquettish. I'd like to think maybe she got married in a field somewhere with her beau. Maybe it wasn't even a legal marriage, but a union of love and partnership. Very sixties.

Art tips: I think my hands are getting a bit better. The key is to avoid the dreaded “lobster claw” shape when in a position like the one I used here.