First up for this week, the first five drawings in my TBT redraw series are now available in the Accidentally Awesome shop as artist trading cards. Each card is $2.50, which includes shipping.
Each new drawing will now have a link to their card. Your purchase of a card helps me to fund this project and is greatly appreciated.
The 2.5" x 3.5" cards are printed and hand cut by me. They feature bright white lightweight cardstock and on the back I will hand write the name of the character as well as sign, date, and number it. These cards will only have a run of ten each, so they are limited edition! (Link)
In other news, I have finished putting up all of my bracelets into the shop. They are very unique handmade items so if you haven't check them out yet, please do. (Link)
Other bits and bobs:
- I have a huge new selection of colored paper and glitter to reveal to you for my origami stars. Soon there will be more ways to customize than imaginable!
- Expect more destash items coming to the shop soon at bargain prices- make room! Make room! I am also toying with the idea of setting up an ebay account for these items.
- Tools needed to begin the dollhouse project were acquired last Saturday. Expect an update coming soon.
- More Tasteful Nerdity is coming up, including my recommended watching list (with more advice for the sensitive), as well as my first review.
- A new item category is coming to the shop. I won't say what it is yet but expect paper goods with colorful patterns!
- More TBTs are ready to go, as well as another comic.
- As promised:
Have a great week! -Haley