Saturday, March 26, 2016

First Impressions: Arkansas vs. Colorado (Part One)

By Libby

Moving to Colorado from Arkansas has been quite a change for me thus far. Though I have lived here  in Pueblo for less than a year, I have already noticed many differences between my home state and my new wild west playground. Here are some observations I have come across between the two so far.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

My Review of Avatar (AKA Why I Now Believe We Should Sink James Cameron to the Bottom of the Ocean)

By Haley

Oh Avatar- the bloated idiot corpse of a franchise that never should have existed.  But sadly, no matter the quality level of the first one, Avatar 2 is coming up your butt and around the corner soon whether you like it or not. So what better time to become familiarized with the original  than before a pack of corporate d-bags starts ragging on you to watch the sequel.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


By Haley

As I have been thinking a lot lately about what exactly the term "healthy lifestyle" means, I want to share something with you now that is very special to me. It's my favorite obnoxious dieting web ad that I've ever seen. So much so that this image has literally been on my computer for years.

What a great solution! Just fucking obey. Slightly fat? Really fat? Remove-a-wall-from-the-house-so-you-can-go-outside fat? Chubby, chunky, curvy, plump, obese, pregnant (I SEE YOU AD), old, young, cute, ugly, sad, sick, happy, content, WHATEVER: just fucking obey and everything will be OK.

Obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey obey.

Maybe a healthy lifestyle just means disengaging from the conversations that people have about what constitutes a healthy lifestyle. Maybe it just means ignoring all the charlatans and false prophets who want to make a buck off of your misery (or change you happiness into misery and then profit off of that). Maybe it just means that people should just do what makes them feel sane instead of sexy. Do work on the bodies we HAVE not the bodies we WANT. Feed the feelings that we want to feel. Obey ourselves.

Anyway, I don't even know what the ad was selling because I didn't click. I will never click. Besides, it's always some version of speed + a berry that white people have never heard of anyway.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Haley Presents: The Review of Netflix Presents: "The Characters"

By Haley

(L-R) Berlant, Early, Lapkus, Zebrowski, Robinson, Rothwell, Brown, Downs

I recently (OK, last night) finished watching all eight episodes of the new Netflix series "The Characters". Going into it I was nervous- the trailer I had watched weeks earlier seemed truly terrible. However, the experience turned out to be more of a mixed bag than just a outright disappointment, with a few of the comedians featured really blowing me away.
Let's start with the good. Out of the eight comedians who were each given a thirty minute show to do . . . pretty much whatever they wanted with, three really stood out to me. They are the works of Natasha Rothwell, Paul W. Downs, and John Early.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Pretty on the Inside (Clip Art on the Outside)

By Haley

Let's talk about memes again. What are they used for? Some memes want to amuse you, others serve as a shorthand for human interaction (easier to post a happy birthday pic than to type out all those annoying letters). Some serve to illustrate a point or convey a message.

But many, many memes exist to make the poster feel better about themselves through useless nonsense.

Here is a good example.

First off, note the classic meme tactic of random capitalization and punctuation. The sentences don't even end or begin on the same lines. Also, the graphic (which appears to be bridal themed?) that has nothing to do directly with the text. Of course we also have our obvious and obnoxious promo blurb on the pic- always a gamble. Will it direct you to the best case scenario or to the worst case? Worst case being some virus riddled "meet singles in your area" internet hellhole, best being a page full of similarly shitty memes.

But what about the message? Based on the content- the beauty is on the inside stuff, the prayer bit at the end- this is is a meme for ugly passive aggressive religious women*. I added on the passive aggressive part because I have never seen/heard/experienced anyone saying that they would pray for the people who don't them in a non-passive aggressive way (the word "sweetie" tends to get thrown around in those situations a lot also, as I have noticed). 

Moving away from the religious part, I just want to reiterate how icky this meme makes me feel overall. The message here is smug and self-serving for anyone who posts it- the subtext of a post like this is always " . . . and I am this kind of beautiful, me, right here, the poster of this meme." Plus, if it's posted by a conventionally attractive woman then it is doubly self serving because it's pretty easy to preach the gospel of inner beauty when you have already experienced the benefits of outer beauty. It's kind of like people with rich parents talking about pulling themselves up by their bootstraps. I guess I just think that some of the power behind turning the other cheek is removed when the other cheek is just as perfectly contoured as the first.

So this is a shitty meme and you need to help out here because of it. Do your part: don't pass this kind of crap around and don't encourage those who do. Positive OR negative reinforcement for people who post this stuff will not help (because boy, do religious people love negative reinforcement- "hell" and all that). And, if you are a religious person reading this, please send a little prayer out for the artist or clip art designer who made the graphic that ended up on this dumb meme. They are probably really hungry and sad right now and could use all the help they can get.

* This is a joke. Don't get mad at me uggos, for I am one of you.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Lady Strikes

By Haley

Updates for 3/6/16

By Haley

This week, after the robust greetings we gave to our new contributors, Ann and Libby, everyone was allowed to go back to their corners and start writing some new pieces, which will start appearing tomorrow (3/6/16).

Also, I changed the commenting system to allow for easier commenting. You don't need a blogger account to comment anymore, and you can even comment anonymously!

Otherwise just please don't forget to check out our affiliates, Accidentally Awesome Art and Martin Newman's Art, for new items weekly.

Also, Throw Back Thursday drawings, which used to be featured on this blog, are now here and have a NEW drawing- #28: Zoe (shown above).

That's all for this week but stay tuned for more!
