Allison here is going to be an excuse
to explain what I have been up to lately. Namely, that I was
scrambling all day yesterday to get one stinkin' drawing done to put
up today. I think she turned out just lovely, I am so pleased with
this drawing. But, I am growing increasingly frustrated by the amount
of time I am spending organizing my business rather than working on
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Tbt #18: Ageen
Lizard people unite! Ageen is the
fashion representation of all things reptile. The original has a
kindergarten-play type vibe because she's holding up her own wings.
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Review: Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)

Warning from the start: Posts tagged "review" like this one will always contain major spoilers!
Welcome to the first Tasteful Nerdity review. Of course, me being me, I said I was going to focus on mostly television so here I am discussing a movie. Yet I felt compelled, almost without being able to control myself, to discuss this movie. Invasion of the Body Snatchers is a movie from the seventies. Even if you haven't seen it, some of you might at least be familiar with it because of the popular gif and image taken from one of its scenes:
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Tbt #17: Esperanza
You'd never know from the original but this character was actually a
Grandmother within the universe the characters lived in. A very . . .
sexy . . . grandma. Not that I think there is anything wrong with
that. It's just that I now realize that to be sexy one doesn't have
to look twenty, especially if they are really seventy.
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Wingin' It
Last weekend I went out and bought two things for the project. One is a large piece of press board that's is about 3'x5', and the other is a little tub of wood putty (more on that in a moment).
I set out to dig in and really see what, structurally, this hunk of garbage needs to become whole again. I decided to remove the roof and the third floor walls because nothing was aligned correctly.
Using a dull and semi-broken box cutter (cause that's how I roll), I cut through the old wood glue and then pulled each piece off.
This did not go so well.
The first piece that ate it was one of the sides but I don't care about that because, hey, the sides aren't supposed to be the pieces that have doors in them anyway. Ahem. However, the second piece that broke was the main white front piece, and it didn't just break it tore, like peeling bark off a tree.
So here were my goals at this point: fix the front that got damaged and put back on walls that actually would fit correctly. First I decided to fix the front. I'm using Gorilla brand wood glue for this. I slapped it back up there and put some binder clips on it to hold it in place.
Here is a post gluing pick:
I'm not delicate, y'all. And I don't like using paintbrushes for glue because I always forget to wash them and they get ruined. So fingers it is to smooth the glue out.
This was step was holding pretty well so I moved on to the next step. Are any of the other pieces removed still usable? Well, yes. The fronts piece, I figured out, was simply put on wrong. When I need it back up with the outer edge it left a gap between it and the white wall. Like so:
But when I placed the load bearing wall back up, it all fit together nicely:
Or not. I decided to just smoosh it all together and hope for the best. I imagine that the window part is actually supposed to be angled back in regards to the tower part but . . . I am just going to address that later. For now I decided to just make it smooth across using glue for the left side and middle piece and nails and glue for the right side fronts-piece.
To make it all smooth I whipped out my wood putty to spackle that shit into place. Now look . . . I am not a handywoman by any means (perhaps you have guessed that already). I learn as I go generally speaking. So today I learned about wood putty. Here is the brand I used:
And here is what I learned:
It's faaaaaaaab-u-louuuuuuuussssssss! Pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty! Purple wood putty- I love it. I had no idea it was going to look like that until I opened it. I just grabbed it at the store and didn't bother to read the label (again, I'm just wingin' it here, people).
So I puttied it up all good and added some fail safes to keep it in place while drying.
That's right, some sweet, sweet duct tape. As you can see in the first of those two pics the front of the third floor of the house is now semi-smoothly lined up. It isn't perfect due to old glue bumps and such but I think it looks better and best of all the edges are now all flush.
When I put the roof back on to test it, the original board now fits perfectly. Very satisfying.
Don't worry, it's not attached yet. That's due to the fact that I have to find a way to cut the board I bought into new pieces to replace the side pieces.
In addition to that as the next step I need to figure out a way to cut off a few parts of jutting press board that are attached to the house itself and can't be pried off. That should be fun- break out the power tools!
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Tbt #16: Demeter
J'accuse! Myself that is, of
half-assing this original drawing. I was quite obsessed with Greek
gods when I was a kid. I don't know why exactly. I guess I liked that
there were so many female gods and that every god had his/her own job
to do. In a way it was like being a fan of a group like the Avengers
or the Superfriends. I enjoyed their crazy god adventures.
So I don't know what happened back in
the day when I went to draw these pictures because I didn't add any
of the symbols associated with the individuals I was depicting. To
redraw this one, and the others for the future, I knew that was going
to have to incorporate the actual symbology that the god is
associated with. So let's learn about Demeter.
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Tasteful Nerdity: Watching These Shows Makes You Cool (Maybe)
Welcome to part two of the list that
wouldn't die. Today I have 6-10 of my favorite TV shows. Since I am a
“sensy”, I have included my warnings for sensitive people on this
batch as well.
Veronica Mars
Episodes to watch: Season one is a
perfect season of television. It gets a little dicey after that, but
still enjoyable.
Episodes to avoid: I could not make it
fifteen minutes into the recent Veronica Mars movie, so good luck
with that.
I'm sensitive, should I watch this
show?: That depends. It discusses some disturbing topics such as
rape, which is generally a no-no plot point for me. But I think it's
all handled pretty well and there are so many good moments of humor
that it balances out OK.
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Tbt #15: Deandra Pierce
Flash! Sparkle! Diamonds! Things that
are hard to draw! Deandra Pierce is a woman who enjoys the finer
things in life. Well actually, that is a pretty stupid phrase, isn't
it? Everyone on earth would enjoy the finer things in life if we all
had access to them. Vacations to tropical locals, gourmet meal,
perfectly tailored clothes: who wouldn't enjoy these things?
Monday, June 15, 2015
Updates! Updates! Updates!
First up for this week, the first five drawings in my TBT redraw series are now available in the Accidentally Awesome shop as artist trading cards. Each card is $2.50, which includes shipping.
Each new drawing will now have a link to their card. Your purchase of a card helps me to fund this project and is greatly appreciated.
The 2.5" x 3.5" cards are printed and hand cut by me. They feature bright white lightweight cardstock and on the back I will hand write the name of the character as well as sign, date, and number it. These cards will only have a run of ten each, so they are limited edition! (Link)
In other news, I have finished putting up all of my bracelets into the shop. They are very unique handmade items so if you haven't check them out yet, please do. (Link)
Other bits and bobs:
- I have a huge new selection of colored paper and glitter to reveal to you for my origami stars. Soon there will be more ways to customize than imaginable!
- Expect more destash items coming to the shop soon at bargain prices- make room! Make room! I am also toying with the idea of setting up an ebay account for these items.
- Tools needed to begin the dollhouse project were acquired last Saturday. Expect an update coming soon.
- More Tasteful Nerdity is coming up, including my recommended watching list (with more advice for the sensitive), as well as my first review.
- A new item category is coming to the shop. I won't say what it is yet but expect paper goods with colorful patterns!
- More TBTs are ready to go, as well as another comic.
- As promised:
Have a great week! -Haley
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Friday, June 12, 2015
Welcome to the Dollhouse
I'm weird. But as is obviously apparent weirdness falls on a spectrum. I'd like to think I'm more Manic Pixie Dream girl weird and less man in trench coat sitting on the bus making unsettling motions with his hands under his coat weird. But weird is weird and if I know one thing about the world it's that something that can seem benign to one person can seem devastatingly fucked up to another.
That being said, one of my weirdnesses is that I am thirty years old and I love toys.
Thursday, June 11, 2015
Tbt # 14: Dasey Rorris
I admit that I enjoy seeing celebrities
doing normal activities. I like seeing them in their grocery shopping
outfits or walking their dogs. Growing up in the southern and midwest
United States it's so so easy to feel completely detached from the
pop culture that is out there. As a huge consumer of said culture it
is disconcerting but also humanizing to see the people who seem so
much larger than life onscreen appear normal out in the real world.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Tasteful Nerdity Intro Part Two: Getting to Know Me, Getting to Know all About Me
So, I want to write about Pop-culture,
eh wise gal? Well then I'm obliged to begin with a LIST!
Ah lists, the darkness that lurks in
the heart of everyone these days who writes about pop culture. Or
science. Or media. Or fashion. Or health, animals, politics, social
problems, food, etc etc. Just know that I consider this list to be a
necessary evil. It's a list of my favorite TV shows, with
accompanying details. Use it to judge whether or not you want to read
my future pieces on TV, to judge my character (yikes), my taste level
(you guys I've seen Kung Pow: Enter the Fist like six times so that's
a wash already), or just to find some cool shit to watch. These are
in no particular order, other than numerical.
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Tbt #13: Sartep
So. I learned something last week. Now I'm not saying it's going to be universal thing but I suspect that it could be. Here is my hypothesis: the mood a creative person is in will seep into whatever they are working on in that moment.
Monday, June 8, 2015
Tasteful Nerdity Intro Part One
Someone once said that opinions are like assholes- everyone has one and they all stink. What I have found in life, however, is that this just isn't the case necessarily. Most people actually don't feel that strongly about a lot of things. Large swaths of the population don't even care about topics like politics. This is confusing for me, a person who has repeatedly joked that, given enough time, I could come down strongly for or against curtains, herbal tea, or obscure 16th century poetry. Nothing is too banal for me to have an opinion on, though I have focused interests just like everyone else.
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Thursday, June 4, 2015
Ruh-roh Shaggy
Tbt #13 will not be making an appearance today and will instead resume next Tuesday. Please enjoy this squishy pug face picture for the time being. -Management
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
I'm Shamelessly Promoting Cute New Earrings in My Shop
Check out my new earrings. All this week new jewelry and items will be ~*~*~mAgiCAlly~*~*~ appearing in my etsy shop.
These earrings are origami stars that I made myself with paper, wax, and glitter. They are about 2" long and come in six different colors. They cost $10 a pair. Please check them out! I worked ever so hard on them.* :D
If you are on my website just click the Etsy Shop button in the top menu OR go there directly here.
*No seriously, I did. These little fuckers took forever. ;)
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Tbt #12: Bane Pierson
It's 5:48 in the morning. I hear a “boop boop” sound coming from outside the side window in my art room. I relax- it's just my neighbor unlocking her car. She has two school age kids and is probably just getting them ready for school. Then I remember the gauzy curtains that are on the window and the fact that I keep the blinds only partially closed at all times and the other more important fact that I am buck ass naked right now. Whoops whoops!
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